Limit Social Media...Although Social Media can be a source of entertainment in a time of isolation; it can also be a catalyst for anxious and depressive thoughts. We have so much access to information. Some can be misleading and to used trigger certain negative emotions. Be mindful of what you are reading and watching. Try to consume more helpful and positive information. Give yourself certain times of the day to unplug. Read a book, work on a craft, engage in meaningful time with family. (Play cards or board games)
Be intentional with who you talk to regularly. Spend time engaging with those who uplift you. Those that you will be excited to return to normalcy with. Schedule group chats with friends. Talk about past experiences, play virtual games, or laugh until it hurts!
Watch comical movies or videos; Listen to your favorite playlist. This helps to bring about feelings of joy and thoughts of good memories.
Pray/Practice meditation. There are books, apps, and videos on meditation. Carve out certain times of day to just relax and release negative feelings and emotion.
If you are having trouble handling feelings
of depression/anxiety and it has become overwhelming... Reach out you local counseling services in your area. You may also utilize resources such as NAMI (National Alliance on mental illness) for helpful confidential free crisis information as well as Mental health resources near you.
If you are looking for a jumpstart or maintenance program to help with sorting out your thoughts and getting your life on track...try my 4 week mental fitness program @
Remember that our worst days do not define us. Life does go on and we can make better choices and decisions when we have more peace and clarify. We are in this together!