If you think you can hide your words, actions, and emotions from your children...Think again!
See, you are the most influential person in their life.
So answer this question, Are you giving your children your best self? What are they seeing most of the time when they are around you?
Are you careful with the conversations you are having with your friends/family?
Are your arguments with your significant other being broadcasted throughout your home? Do you talk to your children about ”Grown up“ situations because you just need to vent? When we are hurting our children can feel it. When we are in toxic situations, we allow that contamination to seep into our children’s lives as well. Some of the issues that we face even as adults, stem from problems we have witnessed from our parents/adults on our lives.
If you can relate to the words on this page, its not too late to change the narrative.
Start paying attention to the way you speak about yourself and others around your children. Speak positivity and hope instead of negativity and despair. Let them see positive change and growth so that they too can be resilient.
it is our responsibility to give our children the best life possible...and that starts with giving ourselves the best life we can. Start today!